Friday, November 12, 2010

Wow... It's been awhile huh?

Sorry for the delay. I apologize for being a bad blogger.

So anyway, I am disgusted by how many married couples seem to hate each other. I am totally in no rush to get married what so ever, but this just makes me think why? Besides the tax break and the financial positives if your husband/wife dies and you are automatically granted their life insurance check (which is a tragedy and I wish on no one, but still an upside if it does happen at least you're entitled "on paper")... why else get married if everyone is so miserable?

Many of the married couples I work with just seem entirely disgusted with each other. In meetings when one has to leave early (usually the husband), they shake hands and thank everyone in the meeting saying their good-byes, except they always seem to forget to even acknowledge their wives... ??? WTF is that? And their wives are always meek little mouses and seem so suppressed as women.

Don't take that the wrong way, I'm not necessarily all for the womens' progressive movement and all that shit. Lord knows if I was financially supported and didn't have to work all the time I would go for it, but unfortunately in today's world most aren't so lucky. I would love to clean the house and work  in the garden and have dinner ready on the table at exactly 6 o'clock right when my husband walked through the door. I would love to volunteer and be some chairwoman on some board doing important great things. But in reality that probably won't ever happen. The weird part is, all these almost non-existent women aren't employed.

I just don't understand where the hatred comes from and how they remain still together...??? Just something to ponder about I guess. And I also am in no way promoting divorce... I just don't understand why there is absolutely no effort to fix what's broken rather than just settle and say it is what it is...

Anyway, I guess the moral of the story is to always love the one you choose and never let yourself forget why.

Sorry to get all mushy but we all need to slow the hell down once in awhile and stop and smell the roses.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hello? Is anybody there?

What is it with guys ignoring you when you ask a question? Seriously what the hell? My dad does it. My brother does it. My boyfriend does it. My boss does it. My guy friends do it. What the hell is in their genes that makes them unable to answer questions sometimes? It really drives me freaking crazy. I can understand if it's some smart ass question that I'm asking, and I don't expect an answer anyway. They would probably be stupid to answer one of those rhetorical bastards of a question... and they know it.

Guys know questions they just shouldn't even answer... Do I look fat in this? Do you still think I look beautiful right now? (When you're shitfaced, bawling, puking in the toilet while you just pissed your pants...) Hopefully, most women know they should even ask these stupid questions; unless they are actually trying to start a fight and not really looking for an answer. And if that's the case good luck because those fights never end well anyway, so I try to avoid that shit at all costs. The less drama the better. I got enough fucked up shit going on in my life to have to worry about a pointless fight that I started for no reason. Thanks, but I'll pass...

That sort of non-answering is definitely not what I'm talking about. It's questions about nothing that I'm referring to. Just random jibber jabber but you're actually looking for a response that drives me to crazy town and back again.

I understand that guys have a short attention span, and if you're the dumbie who tries to talk to them during an intense point of Modern Warfare, or during OT of the Bears/Packers game, you're getting a definite delayed, "what/huh?" [with the head cock a dog makes when you ask if they "wanna gofora walk"]. If you're lucky you'll actually get a response, but don't expect a long, intellectual conversation here. If he's a real ape he'll just ignore you, but only because his attention span is well below the average man which probably has some distant relation to the definition of where A.D.D. comes from.

So my problem with the non-answering is when you're talking to them, you've already gotten a response or two and then all of a sudden.... silence. Sometimes I wonder, am I even talking? Sometimes I'll ask question after question consecutively; and it's just my brain thinking out loud so I get that it might feel like overload and I know I jump around from subject to subject, so I get that too. But it's just the shut off that I don't get. Like the brain just turns off... Someone please explain. I only don't answer to people who are severely annoying me but I have to deal with and even then I at least pretend I didn't hear and answer with a "what?" and a "oh, I didn't hear you"...

I think it's just overall laziness. Like men's brains can only handle SO much and then it's like, 'hey I need a quick cat nap'... I don't know. But it drives me nuts.

What? Are you still talking? Because no one is listening.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

You're Joking Right???...

Ah, Saturday... Thank God my weekend is here. My much needed break has arrived. I can finally get away from reality and recharge.

For those of you who are unaware, I work Tuesdays through Saturdays. Still trying to decide if I like it or not. But anyway, as I was driving in for my last day of work for the week, I was pondering what my next post was going to be about. I have so many ideas running through my head, but there was one topic that was in dire need of being brought up and discussed...

The stupidity of people.

Seriously, I reaching my limit of having any relations or contact with the majority of people out there. The older I get, the more I feel the need to become a hermit or I am definitely destined to turn severely bitter very soon. From my time spent working in restaurants I am well aware that most people are pretty stupid, and lack any sort of common sense or street smarts. I honestly spend WAY to much time wondering how people got so dumb... I constantly question how certain individuals got this way, or were they always this retarded. Maybe I'm very fortunate and have the ability to figure things out on my own, and usually can avoid asking stupid questions [though from time to time who doesn't have a brain fart]... but I really don't understand how SO many people can be such idiots. Are they just naive? Overly sheltered? Uneducated? Were they dropped too many times on their head then they were young? Badly malnourished for a long period of time in their lives? I don't get it.

For those of you who are confused by my questioning [you're probably one of them!] but here's some examples to possibly help you better understand what I'm talking about.... These are from my eaves dropping while working at my job. Some better than others, just you'll get what I mean. Unless you are from Club Dumb.

  • A woman talking to her friends - exactly how the conversation went down...

The woman says randomly to her friend, "Ya know, I almost died in March"

[My first reaction was that maybe she hadn't seen these friends in awhile and they didn't know about her possible illness that almost took her life]

Her friend says, "huh? you did?".
She says, "no. My ex-husband." pause... "Well I don't know".  She then drops the story like she was confused about what she was even talking about. 

What?!? What the hell was that? I just don't understand the story. Was it a joke? Are you trying to be funny because your ex-husband is an ass and did something to you and you were trying to be funny, like ha ha? Were you actually sick? Was he actually sick? Was his illness, and being almost near death making you feel like you might die because you still love him even though you aren't "in love with him" and him dying would completely alter your life even though you aren't and never again will be with him? After over-analyzing what had just happened, I decided that she was trying to be funny and then realized that she sounded like a retard making a joke about death, especially since her friends gave the same "what the hell" response to the comment that I did, so she just dropped it. Moral of the story: She needs to work on her material. And maybe start taking some vitamins and get a physical or something. Best wishes weirdo.

  • A woman shopping in our store asked me a question about a product.

Woman says, "So what's that candle you're burning?"
I reply, "Pumpkin. It was a sample".
She replies, "So is that mint I'm smelling? Or you don't know?"

What?!?! I just told you what you smell retard. Is that a joke, or did you seriously just not pay any fucking attention to my ANSWER to the question you JUST asked me. Get it together dumb ass. Focus. Fuck.

  • My boss had this stupid free design seminar and he was talking about what colors people naturally surround themselves with, and how he finds that people usually decorate their houses opposite of the color of clothing they wear. He was asking what colors the people at the seminar usually wear. This is one woman's response.
The woman says, " I haven't worn any color on my body for the past 8 years."

[First of all, despite the fact that she only ALWAYS wears black which is weird in itself, but if its your thing whatever... What I think is more weird is how she phrased it - "I haven't worn any color on my body..." rather than saying "I always wear black clothing". Creeper.]

My boss somehow refrains from busting out laughing in her face, and replies, "Ok, well tell me about that. Why do you think that is?"
She responds, "well... I'm not sure. One day I just started to only wear black clothing. I haven't been able to put color on my body since."

What is going on?!?!? Where the hell am I??? I get that some people like to wear all black. I get it. Being a designer I know some think if you're artistic or whatever that it looks chic or artsy or dramatic or whatever. I personally don't do it, but I get it and as long as you aren't goth or some creepy devil vampire worshiper I really don't care what you do. If it works for you and it makes you happy; than rock it. Whatever. What I think is weird is that how she phrases that she can't put color on her body. Like she's gonna melt like the wicked witch from the west when she came in contact with water. Like what is that? I can't put color on my body. She might start hyperventilating, not be able to breathe, and will shrivel up into a dead raisin of a person. wtf. She didn't say that she prefers to wear black. She didn't say that she doesn't like colored clothing. She said she CAN'T put it on her body. Like two magnets with both positive ends facing each other, her and color just repel. Maybe she's tried to grab a colored article of clothing and it just flies out of her hand when she tries to put her arm through the hole. The force is to great. She just can't even hold onto it... To make matters even more entertaining... She had a neon pink streak in her hair... I have nothing left to say.

  • And my most favorite... I work in a boutique home decor shop in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. While working the store today a woman asks her friend a question while they're inside our store shopping.

Woman says to her friend, " Lake Geneva in Wisconsin?" 

No bitch. We're on Mars right now. How the hell do you not even know what state you're in??? Will someone please just put me out of my misery and kill me already because I really can't deal with this shit.

And that friends, is where I leave you. Please don't let yourself be a fucking retard. Think before you speak. Or at least before you speak to me. Dear God, I beg of you.

Good night. It's time for Jack.

Friday, October 29, 2010

A new life?

In direct relation to my dedication, I've recently replanted (yet again) my peace lily. For those of you who don't know where the peace lily came from - ask me. Anyway, my beloved yet dying lily was on its last leg. Its my fault for its current being, so I had to take drastic measures. I've read that peace lilies commonly grow well hydroponically. And so it begins. And hopefully doesn't sadly end. I just replanted my peace lily in water alone. A last hope. It was dying because little flying bugs were feasting on its roots. There are hardly any left at all. Roots that is... In hopes of killing the flying root-eating bug larva, and giving my plant a new life... there it sits. In a "Smart Balance" container [provided by Momma E, unbeknownst to her] roots submersed in water. Wish me luck. X [mimicking fingers crossed]

A dedication.

I dedicate my blog to my late friend, Kevin Doherty. Not only was he an amazing person, but he made me feel amazing. He made me feel like I could be myself, and though he might call me out from time to time, he loved me for my faults and knew I was great because of them. To me, anyone who can obtain that level of perspective towards another human has internally reached the meaning of life. I loved my friend and miss him dearly because he was who he was, on the inside out. He always was himself, true Kevin to the world. Unfortunately, I think he kept his outside in. Meaning, there were things in his life that he did that wasn't true to character; and those he kept from most. I believe this is the reason he is physically no longer with me and the rest of us. Somehow he managed to stray away from who he really was, and it took him. But God realized the true priceless character in his sole, and had to take him because he needed him in heaven. The lesson learned is to be yourself through and through. I miss you Kevin. And I think about you and miss you more with every passing day. Rest in peace dear friend.

There's only one first...

So I decided to start a blog because [in my head] I have a lot to say... I suppose it's a good reason, and could actually be beneficial if people start to read it, whether it be for solely entertainment purposes, education, intellectual stimulation, to pass the time, or to just make me feel better that I actually have some loyal followers... just kidding. Either way, I'm sick of working all the time and need a hobby, and I have lots of opinions that need to get out there, however outspoken or politically incorrect they may be.

That brings me to a most important thought to put out there... I am who I am and if this is going to come straight from my life and my head I can't promise that it will be worth your while, that you will agree with what I have to say, that you won't be offended from time to time, and that you won't possibly be completely and utterly disgusted with what I have to say. But hey, at least I'm upfront with how things could go down... and you're the one who decided to make the click anyway... I take no responsibility for the impressions that are left on you after reading my posts. Sorry sir, but it is what it is. meh. see?

Also, at times I'm lazy and I might not care about punctuation, my typing skills, or anything of the such. I don't always have a great vocabulary, I'm so not eloquent, and sometimes I like to make up words...

I guess what this all comes down to is what I already previously stated: I am who I am. Take it or leave it. Like it or Hate it. But it is what it is. Hopefully it's worth your while, and if not wah wuh. All sales are final.

So please, post your comments good or bad. And overall, no matter how crappy at times... enjoy your life as much as you can... and even then try to enjoy it a little more.